Eve Tools Planetary Interaction Table

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»Planetary Interaction, 1+, 10m ISK+, 1b / month / account. »Data/Relic Sites. In that sheet. If you're in a rush then skim through for the key bold text and reference tables. EVE Uni PI Tools – Various PI tools. Planetary Interaction marks the first step in connecting EVE to the upcoming game Dust 514. The basics of Planetary Interaction are very simple: Just as when they engage in the manufacturing of modules or ships, players gather Raw Materials which are then made into products.

3rd Party Apps & ToolsThere are those who play Eve Online using the game's given UI and there are those who manipulate the data and create tools to work within the Eve Online Universe. This is an attempt to keep an updated and maintained list of some of the many great tools and applications.Process to be listed:. Create a Pull Request with the name of your tool, the URL (or app name) of your tool, a category it should go into, and a very brief description of what it does. Your product should be user friendly and beyond 'beta' stages. If approved, it will be added! Yay!Since Eve apps and websites come and go we will try to check each of the them periodically and keep the list up to date.XML and CREST are dead, long live ESIIt's official, XML and CREST are officially dead as of May 8th, 2018. The replacement ESI is now in full effect and has reached parity.

ESI DiscussionYou can participate with CCP devs and third party devs by and hopping into the #esi channel. Do be polite.Capsuleer tools Various Tools.

PyEveLiveDPS (PELD) is a live DPS calculator and grapher for many combat statistics. EVE Online reference site with full item database and stats. Google Sheets script to interact with ESI. Never lose another training clone: Notifies you if you forgot to switch to the right clone. Simulate fleet PvP and compare/analyse fits and hulls. EVE Workbench is a web based tool for the EVE community, allowing players to browse the market, create haul routes and browse & share fittings.

Convenient out-of-game access to character's calendar. Allows players to use their favourite calendar app on the desktop or mobile as also see events in their preferred time zone.EveMail. eve-mails.com: Read, delete and write eve-mails from your browser. Allows for tracking mails of multiple accounts at the same time. Fuzzwork Evemail, an ESI Evemail client. Clientside based, no storage.

Eve pi setup

Eve Online Most Profitable Planetary Interaction

PodMail, an ESI EveMail client. Mobile friendly web platform for accessing your evemails. Spacemail, ESI Mail and Calendar client. Responsive open-source web-app.Fitting Tools. allows you to create, experiment with, and save ship fittings without being in game.Outdated fitting tools used to be listed, but they are so far out of date they really aren't worth listing here anymore. Check the history of this file if you really want to discover them.